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Help Your Students Prepare for the Working World

Invite career skills expert Alfred Poor to your campus!

Study after study has shown that recent college graduates simply are not prepared to succeed in the workplace.

We need to make more effort to help college students understand the importance of essential “soft skills” that will make them more appealing to employers, and to help them find success and happiness in their work.

SURVIVE the Corporate Jungle

With humor and energy, Alfred Poor takes a positive approach to the strategies needed to land a job, be successful at it, and find fulfillment in their work.
Your students will learn to:
  • Be more confident about their job prospects.
  • Develop essential "soft skills."
  • Take personal responsibility.

It’s not news that employers lament the lack of work ethic, the poor attitude about attendance, and the weak verbal and written communications skills that they see in their young employees. Yet these problems make it more difficult for college students to get a job after graduation, to hold onto it, and to find satisfaction in their work.

I am Alfred Poor, and I can help.


I am the author of “7 Success Secrets That Every College Student Needs to Know!” and based on this book, I have developed my “SURVIVE the Corporate Jungle” program for college audiences. I take a positive approach and tell students about important skills and attitudes that can set them apart from their co-workers, and make them more valuable to their employers.


Alfred Poor has hit the nail on the head with this one. As a corporate trainer, I've often heard owners and managers express exasperation over the attitudes and work behavior shown by the younger members of the workforce. Without acquiring the work habits necessary for success in the real world, their genius may never be realized and their talent valued.

Ken Davis, KenDavisTeamStuff,

Of course, no matter how powerful a presentation might be, it accomplishes nothing if there is nobody there to hear it. That’s why I work so hard in advance of any appearance to help promote the event to get the maximum turnout. Whether it is a stand-alone event such as an evening speech, or part of a larger program such as a Career Fair or Senior Week activities, I pull out all the stops to help spread the word. I promote the event using social media such as Facebook and Twitter, and I take advantage of any campus outlets such as a student newspaper or radio station. I can also work with you to develop incentives that can help improve attendance.


Alfred shares his incredible knowledge and street smart wisdom in a way that is powerfully packed with applicable tips. There is no doubt that Alfred has become America's best college student coach and he is sure to help any student create their own magical career experience.

John Formica, America's Customer Experience Coach and author of "Making the Customer Experience Magical Now!",

Best of all, I do everything I can to help work within your budget or other constraints. I offer block booking discounts if I can schedule engagements at neighboring colleges on the same trip. I also can combine workshops about “next-gen” employment issues for staff and faculty at a greatly reduced rate if booked for the same time. My “Hard Truths about Soft Skills” was the keynote address at the New England Association for Cooperative Education and Field Experience (NEACEFE) Fall 2012 conference.


Dr. Poor's energetic delivery grabbed the audience’s attention, resulting in positive feedback from the participants such as “Best [keynote speaker] we’ve had in years,” “wonderful and engaging talk,” and “interesting, thought-provoking, and relevant!

Rich Grant, Vice President of NEACEFE and Director of Career Services, Thomas College, Waterville, Maine

I am confident that I can make a difference in the lives of your students, so I make it possible for you to book me without risk.

Guaranteed results!

By the end of my presentation, your students will:

  • Be more confident in their ability to succeed in the workplace, and
  • Learn at least one new success strategy that they can apply in their jobs.

You will be able to measure these results...

...or I will refund my fee on the spot!

Best of all, my program gives your students real skills and behaviors that not only will help them after they graduate, they will be able to use this information as soon as they leave the room. It will help them become better students and contribute more to their campus community. And when it comes time to search for a job and take part in job interviews, they will be better prepared and more attractive to potential employers.


Book Alfred Poor Now!

Click here to contact Alfred Poor by email;
include a choice of dates to come speak to your students.


Thank you for your interest in my “SURVIVE the Corporate Jungle” program for college students. We can make a difference in the lives of your students far beyond graduation, not just in terms of the salary they will earn in a lifetime, but in the satisfaction that they draw from their work. Contact me today to discuss how I can help your students.

With all best wishes,

Alfred Poor, Ph.D.


Limited or no budget? No problem. I am happy to work with you to explore alternative ways to fund my visit to your campus.


Book me now. Not only does this give you the best choice of available dates, but it also increases your chances of benefiting from block booking discounts.


I will be the most professional and easiest speaker you will ever work with. And I'll work with you to make sure you get the maximum student attendance at your event.